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The Foundation

The Irish Fellowship Club Education and Cultural Foundation is proud to continue to support Catholic high schools throughout the Chicagoland area, despite the challenges of the pandemic. The Foundation was able to maintain its level of support to each school and provide a $6000 grant to provide important financial assistance to a student or students in need.


Treasurer Jack Kane works closely with the schools each year and says,
“This year it was particularly important that the Irish Fellowship Club Foundation provided our grants. The schools have had a very difficult time and have more students seeking financial aid. Our grants support families and enable students to attain an
outstanding Catholic education.” 

“The schools are quite grateful for the scholarships we provide. Despite rising tuition costs, the grants of $6000 per school really do make a difference for students and families committed to Catholic education. I am lucky to be able to talk to many of the school leaders who assure me that the commitment of the Irish Fellowship helps them provide Catholic education to many students who would not be able to afford it without our support.” Each year, the Foundation receives thank you notes from schools, parents and students expressing their gratitude for the investment of the Irish Fellowship Club. “We appreciate the ticket buyers and sponsors of each of our events every year because without their contribution, the Foundation would not be able to support these important institutions,” comments previous  Foundation President, Jack Hartman.

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Your support of Catholic education makes it possible for
me to attend Mother McAuley. Being awarded the Irish
Fellowship Educational and Cultural Scholarship sets the
tone for more great experiences to look forward to in my
years to come at Mother McAuley.

-Mother McAuley Student

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